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Bake Ambient Occlusion & Thickness

You can bake ambient occlusion and thickness maps for glTF primitives. This can be useful to add detail to the model without increasing the vertex count or to enable the use of the KHR_materials_volume extension.

Screenshot of Gestaltor with the Primitive Inspector

Access the ambient occlusion baking panel by navigating to a primitive in the Hierarchy panel and clicking the Bake Ambient Occlusion button in the Inspector panel.

The ambient occlusion baking popup


Image ResolutionA good starting point is to use the same resolution as for the other images used in the primitives material.
Tex Coord SetPrimitives can have multiple texcoord attribute sets, here you can select which one to use for baking.
Thickness MapInstead of generating an ambient occlusion map, generate a thickness map, which can be used for the KHR_materials_volume extension.
Occluder DistanceThe distance that is sampled for ambient occlusion. Increasing this can lead to a smoother result but can lose detail.
Attach to MaterialAttach the generated map to the material of the primitive.